Tales of My Childhood

Daria Pertsovych,
Kolomyia Gymnasium

Епоха незалежного оцінювання вимагає від сучасної школи нових підходів до викладання іноземної мови. Підготовка учня до такого серйозного іспиту вимагає неабиякого креативу від учителя.

Уже починаючи з початкової школи, учні повинні накопичувати свій словниковий арсенал, знайомитися з різноманітними видами тестових завдань у різних видах діяльності - чи то сприйняття на слух, чи то робота з невідомим текстом, чи то граматичні вправи-тести, чи то підбір синонімів / антонімів… Закони словотворення теж допоможуть у майбутньому не розгубитися у безкрайньому морі лексики. Ситуативне мовлення дозволяє учням висловлювати свою думку, навіть якщо і хибну.

І тільки мудре поєднання будь-яких підходів до вивчення мови допоможе учневі висловити на папері своє розуміння тієї чи іншої крилатої фрази, які і є лейтмотивом запропонованих казок.

Чому казки? А тому, що ми всі родом із дитинства…

Підбірка казок складена так, щоб політ у вир казки не затьмарювався пошуком незнайомих слів.

А якщо раптом хтось хоче перевірити правильність виконання того чи іншого завдання, то можна скористатися відповідями.

Збагатять ваш кругозір і крилаті вислови, які запропоновані вам у Writing Tasks.

Підбірка найпопулярніших казок перенесе не тільки учнів 6 -7 класів шкіл із поглибленим вивченням англійської мови у ще таке близьке їм дитинство, але і стане віддушиною для дорослої аудиторії, яка так і не спішить розлучатися з ним.

Дарія Перцович

                                         Наталія Олєйнікова



    of My Childhood







                                       Daria Pertsovych

                       Kolomyia Gymnasium






    Sleeping Beauty



Long ago in a kingdom far away, a princess was born to a happy king and queen. Three good fairies were invited to bless the child. Flora gave Aurora the gift of beauty. Fauna gave her the gift of song.

Then the evil sorceress Maleficent appeared. She was very angry that she was not invited.

"Oh, it is a shame that you are not happy to see me," she said. "There was no invitation. I thought that was a mistake. Well, never mind, I have a gift for the child. She will grow in beauty and grace, but on her sixteenth birthday she will prick her finger on a spinning wheel and die."

After Maleficent left, the third good fairy gave Aurora her gift. Merryweather told King Stefan and the Queen she could not take away Maleficent's curse. She could only change it. Aurora would prick her finger, but she would not die. Instead, she would fall into a deep sleep only to be awakened by True Love's Kiss.

The fairies said Aurora could live with them in the woods and be safe. After her sixteenth birthday she would come home.

When that day finally came, the fairies sent Aurora into the woods to pick some berries so they could surprise her with a party. As Aurora walked along, she sang. A handsome young man was riding through the forest and heard her.

Подпись:  They talked, and liked each other very much. Aurora asked him to come to the house that night. When Aurora returned, the fairies told her the best part of her birthday surprise. It was time for her to go and live in the castle. But Aurora was not happy. She told them about the young man she met in the woods. She said he was coming back to see her. The good fairies told her she should not fall in love with him. She was a princess and she had to marry a prince. Her real home was the castle. Maleficent was waiting at the castle. It did not take long for the princess to fall under her spell. Aurora climbed up the dark tower steps. In the tower room was a spinning wheel. She reached out to touch it. She could not stop herself. Maleficent appeared. She had won.

The fairies hurried to find Aurora, but they were too late. She had fallen into a deep sleep. Only True Love's Kiss could awaken her. Then, the fairies remembered the young man Aurora had met in the woods. They were sure Aurora loved him. Casting a spell, the good fairies had everyone sleep until they found Aurora's true love.

Before falling asleep, the prince's father said his son was in love with a girl he had met. Remembering what Aurora said, the fairies understood. Prince Phillip was Aurora's true love! Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather hurried out to look for the prince. They found him prisoner in Maleficent's castle and set him free, giving him the Shield of Virtue and the Sword of Truth.

Maleficent turned herself into a dragon and charged  toward the prince. The dragon forced the prince out on the edge of a cliff. He had nowhere to go, but he could not fall. He had to save Aurora. He threw his enchanted sword into the dragon's heart. The dragon roared in pain.

Prince Phillip raced back to the castle and found Aurora. He bent down and kissed her. She woke up, and so did everyone else.

That night there was a ball. Aurora and the prince danced for a long time. The two fathers watched for a while. Then they started to plan a royal wedding.







       I.  Reading Comprehension Test.


                         1.    Mark true (T) and false (F) sentences.


1.                Three good fairies were invited to bless the queen.

2.                On his sixteenth birthday she will prick her finger on a spinning wheel and die.

3.                Aurora would fall into a deep sleep only to be awakened by True Love’s Kiss.

4.                When the day finally came the fairies sent Maleficent into the woods to pick some berries.

5.                Aurora was singing while she was walking along.

6.                Aurora told the fairies about the young man she met in the woods.

7.                The good fairies advised her to fall in love with that young man.

8.                The fairies  hurried to find Aurora and they were just in time.

9.                The prince’s father told that his son was in love with a girl he had met in the woods.

10.           Flora, Fauna and Maleficent hurried out to look for the prince.



                           2.    Answer the questions.


1.    What name did the king and the queen give to their new - born child?

2.    How many good fairies were invited to bless the child?

3.    What action could/would break the spell?

4.    Where did Aurora live with the fairies to be safe?

5.    What was the birthday surprise that the fairies had for Aurora?

6.    Why couldn’t Aurora fall in love with the young man?

7.    What did Aurora find when she reached the tower room?

8.    What kind of creature did Maleficent turn herself into?





                          3.    Match the fairies:


          Directions: each good fairy gave Aurora a gift.


       Draw a line from the name of each fairy to the gift she gave Aurora.    




     Fauna                                             The gift of beauty


    Flora                          To be awoken by True Love’s Kiss


                Merryweather                       The gift of song




  II. Vocabulary and Grammar Test.



          4.    Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words:


1.          бути сердитим                                       7. зявлятися

2.          звільнити                                                8. замок

3.          фея                                                          9. повертатися

4.          заснути                                                  10. бути поза небезпекою

5.          згадати                                                   11. шукати

6.          дар, дарунок                                          12. зірвати ягоду



                   5.   Find in the text the opposites to the following words.


     1. bad                                                        

     2. to live                                                             

     3. sad                                                                    

     4. daughter                                                           

     5. day                                                                   

     6. to disappear                                                     



            6.    Open the brackets using the proper tense form:


1.                 Maleficent (to be) very angry that she was not invited.

2.                 She (to think) that was a mistake.

3.                 When that day finally (to come) the fairies sent Aurora into the woods.

4.                 Aurora and a handsome young man (to talk) and they liked each other.

5.                 Maleficent (to wait) at the castle.

6.                 Flora, Fauna and Merryweather (to find) prince Philip in Maleficent’s castle and (to set) him free.


          III. Speaking Test.


                      7.   Use the following phrases while retelling the story.


1.    to be born to sb                                                11. to surprise sb with sth

2.    to be invited to                                                 12. to walk along

3.    to give sb a gift of sth                                      13. to come back to do sth

4.    it’s a shame                                                      14. to climb up sth

5.    to grow in beauty and grace                             15. it didn’t take long

6.    to prick sth on sth                                             16. to reach out to do sth

7.    to take sth away                                                17. too late

8.    to fall into a deep sleep                                     18. to cast a spell

9.    to be awakened by                                            19. to be in love with

10.                      to be safe                                                20. to hurry out to do sth



                              8.   Discuss the following.



1.          Why was the evil sorceress Maleficent angry with  the king & the queen?

2.          How did the fairies manage to find Aurora’s true love?


           IV. Writing Test.


                           9.       Confirm or deny these words: “ Love conquers all ”.              


                                  Write a paragraph in 100 words.









Once there was a kind and gentle girl named Cinderella. Everyone loved her, even the mice in the hall and the birds in the garden.

Cinderella’s stepmother pretended to be kind, but she was lazy and mean. Her step-sisters were mean and lazy, too. Poor Cinderella had to do all of the cooking, sewing, and cleaning.

One day, Cinderella was sweeping.

She heard a knock on the door.

"Open in the name of the King!" someone called.

She hurried to the door.

It was a messenger.

He gave her a big white envelope.

It said that every maiden in the kingdom was invited to a ball.

The mean Stepmother said Cinderella could go IF she finished her work.


"Oh, and of course you will need a ball gown," she added.

                 She thought Cinderella  would not be able to find one.

Cinderella did find a gown.

It had been her mother's. It was pretty, but old. While Cinderella was finishing her work, the birds and the mice fixed the dress using sashes and ribbons the stepsisters had thrown away.  When her stepsisters saw Cinderella's gown, they were    angry. They tore off the sash­es. The gown was ruined.

        Cinderella sat down in the garden and cried. Her Fairy Godmother came to help.

       She waved her wand. A pumpkin became a fine coach. Cinderella's mice friends became four white horses.

 Next, the Fairy Godmother changed   Cinderella's torn dress into a ball gown.

          Cinderella's old shoes became sparkling glass slippers.


     The Fairy Godmother said the spell would end at the last stroke of twelve. Everything would change back into what it had been before.

She told Cinderella she had to be back before midnight.

      The Prince did hot like any of the girls he met at the    ball.

Then he saw Cinderella. He walked right by the stepsisters, who were bowing to him. He asked Cinderella to dance.

She said yes.

They danced and danced. Cinderella was very happy.

 Then she heard the clock chime. It was the first stroke of midnight!

"I must go," she said.

She ran out the door and down the steps.

     One of her glass slippers fell off.

The Prince and the Grand Duke ran after her. The Grand Duke found the slipper that she had left behind.

When the clock struck twelve, the spell was broken. The coach, horses, and ball gown were gone, but Cinderella still had her glass slipper.

She also had happy memories of the ball.

The Prince did not know Cinderella's name.

The slipper she had lost his only clue.

He promised to marry the girl whose foot fit the shoe.

     When the Grand Duke came to the house, the stepsisters were excited. Each of them tried on the slipper, but it did not fit. It was too small.

        The wicked Stepmother had locked Cinderella up in her room, but she got out. She came to the top of the stairs.

She asked to try on the slipper.

"Yes, come down.

Every maiden must try on the slipper," the Grand Duke said.

Cinderella slipped her foot into the glass slipper.

 It fit perfectly.

She had always known it would.

The mean Stepmother and her daughters were very angry.

Cinderella and the Grand Duke went to the palace together.

The Prince was happy to see Cinderella again.
Soon after, they were married.






I.Reading Comprehension Test.



                1.   Confirm or deny the statements.


1.     Once there was a kind and gentle princess named Cinderella and everyone loved her.

2.     Cinderella’s stepmother was lazy and mean.

3.     Cinderella heard a knock on the door and a messenger gave her a nice white rose.

4.     Her stepmother let her go if she finished her work.

5.     Cinderella did find a gown – it had been her mother’s.

6.     Her stepsisters were very angry when they saw  her gown and ruined it.

7.     Cinderella was not upset about the ruined gown because she was sure her Godmother would help her.

8.     Cinderella’s Godmother told her to be back home before midnight.

9.     The Prince didn’t like any of the girls at the ball but when he saw Cinderella he asked her to dance.

10.     When she was running down the steps she broke one of her glass slippers.

11.     When the clock struck 12, the spell was broken.

12.     The wicked stepmother had locked Cinderella up in her room but she managed to get out and asked to try the slipper on.



                          2.   Answer the questions below:


      1. Cinderella’s stepmother was kind. What two words describe her?

      2. What did Cinderella hear when she was sleeping?

      3. What did the messenger bring to the door?

      4. Whose gown did the mice and birds fix for Cinderella?

      5. What did the Fairy Godmother turn the pumpkin and the mice into?

      6. What time did the Fairy Godmother say the spell would end?

      7. Who run after Cinderella after she left? What did they find?

      8. The slipper was too small for Cinderella’s stepsisters, wasn’t it?

      9. Did the Prince and Cinderella go to the palace together or stay at  Cinderella’s house?








             II. Vocabulary Test.



                      3.    Look at these words. Circle only the words  

            that  describe Cinderella’s    stepmother or stepsisters.


            kind                   lazy                   angry                sparkling

         mean                  pretty                gentle               happy

         wicked               lovely                old                   excited



       4.   Translate the following phrases. Use them in the sentences   of your own.


1.   a knock on the door 




2.   every maiden 





3.   everyone loved her 




4.   a ball gown




5.   before midnight 




6.   at the last stroke of 12  





7.   the spell was broken 





8.         happy memories of





9.         his only clue 





10.     to try on (the slipper) 





11.    soon after 




12.       promised to merry 





                          5.    Match  the  synonyms:


1.                     to look up                                                    a) gown

2.                     palace                                                           b) to close up

3.                     clock chime                                                 c) slippers

4.                     mean                                                            d) wicked

5.                     shoes                                                            e) castle

6.                     dress                                                             f) stroke of










   6.    Find in the text phrases or words which mean the same as:


                    1.         to cry//shout loudly                                                      

                    2.         to tide                                                                            

                    3.         to be over; finish                                                          

                    4.         to like                                                                          

                    5.         shining shoes                                                              

                   6.          good – looking                                                             

                   7.         to follow sb                      

                   8.         a dress, used for balls           




            III. Speaking Test.



7.      Arrange the events in the logical order and use the       

        phrases while retelling:


a)    the gown was ruined

b)   she hurried to the door

c)    the spell was broken

d)   Cinderella did find a gown

e)    everything would change back

f)     once there was

g)    they were married

h)   she waved her wand

i)      he walked right by the stepsisters

j)      her stepsisters were mean and lazy


































                                8.   Discuss the following:


            #   What is better: to be kind and modest or to be mean and  impolite?  

                                         to have a wonderful ball gown or a pretty old dress?

                 #  What would you do  if you happened to be invited to a ball?

              #  What is to be happy?




             IV. Writing Test.



                 Comment on the proverb:


                          “Every man is the architect of his  own fortune”







































                Beauty and the Beast



Once there was a pretty girl named Belle. She loved to read and dream. A hunter named Gaston wanted to marry her, but she did not like him. She dreamed of someday meeting a handsome prince.

Belle's father was an inventor. He was always trying to make things.

One day her father showed Belle a wonderful new invention. "I will take it to the fair tomorrow," he said. "I know you will win first prize," Belle said. Just then there was a big BOOM. It came from the invention. "It just needs a little more work," her father said.

Her father worked hard to fix his invention. The next day it was ready, so he started off for the fair. He got lost in the woods. There were wild animals. The horse was afraid of them. It threw the old man off of its back. Then it ran away with the cart.

Belle found the horse and cart. Her father was not with them.

               "You must take me to Papa," she said to the   horse.

     She climbed up on its back. Thick fog filled the woods making it hard to see. Wild animals growled all around, but she rode on. At last she saw a castle.

                  Belle went into the castle. Her father was locked up.

"Oh, Papa!" Belle said. She gave him a big hug.


















An ugly Beast in a cape appeared. "I found this man in my castle," the Beast said. "Now he is my prisoner."

       "Please let him go. I will stay in his place," Belle said.


                  The Beast made Belle promise to stay with him forever.  

         After letting her father go, the Beast led Belle to her room.

     After the Beast left, Belle  was amazed to find out that his teapot, clock, and cup could talk. They told her they used to be servants at the castle. All of them had been put under a spell. Belle was glad to have friends, but she was still sad.

     Meanwhile Belle's father ran  back to town. He told everyone about the Beast. But nobody believed him. So Belle's father set out to rescue her himself. Gaston wanted to rescue Belle. If he saved her, she would have to marry him.

      Over time Belle learned that the  Beast was not really mean. He was gentle and sweet. One night she danced with him. Then Belle told the Beast that she missed her father. She had to go home.

                   The Beast did not stop her. Back at home, Belle took care of her father. Gaston came to visit them. He asked Belle to marry him. She said no. Gaston got angry.

 He could tell that Belle's heart belonged to the Beast. He convinced the villagers that the Beast was dangerous.

Belle and her father rode through the woods as fast as they could. Belle did not want anyone to get hurt. When they got to the castle, Belle saw Gaston and the Beast. They were out on a high balcony. Gaston was raising his bow. He shot the Beast with an arrow.

Подпись:  Belle started crying. She ran up the stairs.

The Beast saw Belle standing there. He picked Gaston up by the neck. "Let me go!" said Gaston. The Beast put Gaston down and told him to go.

Gaston did not go. He stabbed the Beast in the back. The Beast roared in pain. Gaston stepped back. He slipped and fell off the balcony.

The Beast lay in Belle's arms. He was dying. "You came back," he said. "I got to see you once more." "No! Do not die," said Belle. "I love you."

Then something strange and wonderful happened.

In  his place stood a handsome prince. The Beast had been a prince all the time, but he was under a spell. When he loved Belle and she loved him the spell was broken. The Beast became a prince again and all the enchanted things in the castle turned back into servants.

Belle and the Prince danced together.

"I am so happy," said the Prince.
















          I. Reading Comprehension Test.


                                   1.  Mark true (T) and false (F) sentences.


1.         A pretty girl named Belle loved to read and dance.

2.         Belle’s father was always trying to make fun of people.

3.         A wonderful new invention was a big Boom.

4.         Belle’s father took his invention and started off for the fair.

5.         Belle found her father with the horse and the cart.

6.         The Beast found Papa in  his castle.

7.         The Beast used to be a servant.

8.         Gaston asked Belle to marry him.

9.         The villagers thought the Beast was kind.

10.    When they got to the castle Belle saw Gaston there.

11.    Gaston stabbed the Beast in the back.

12.    The Beast had been a prince all the time, but he was under

                      the spell.  



                   2.   Choose and circle the best variant of   answer.


1.         A ... named Guston wanted to marry Bella/

a)         prince

b)        hunter

c)         villager

2.         Belle’s father was a(n) ...

a)         robber

b)        engineer

c)         inventor


3.         Her father worked hard to ... his invention.

a)         sell

b)        fix

c)         throw


4.         The horse was afraid of ...  when they got lost in the woods.

a)         wild animals

b)        hunters

c)         the fog

5.                     At last she found a ... .

a)                     rock

b)                    castle

c)                     fortress

6.                     An ugly Beast didn’t want to let Belle’s father go because he was his ... then.

a)                     companion

b)                    servant

c)                     prisoner

7.                     When Belle’s father was free, he ... back to town.

a)                     ran

b)                    returned

c)                     come

8.                     Nobody believed that the Beast was ... .

a)                     kind

b)                    dangerous

c)                     mean

9.                     Back at home Belle took care of her father and one day ... came to visit them.

a)                     the Beast

b)                    Gaston

c)                     their old friend

10.                 The Beast let Gaston go but instead he stabbed the Beast in the ... .

a)                     back

b)                    arm

c)                     head

11.                 Then something ...  happened.

a)                     unexpected and cruel

b)                    unbelievable and unforgettable

c)                     strange and wonderful

12.                 The Beast became a prince again and all the ... things in the castle turned back into servants.

a)                     broken

b)                    spoilt

c)                     enchanted.

































          II. Vocabulary and Grammar



                                  3.   Insert the missing prepositions.


   1. Belle dreamed ... someday meeting a handsome prince.

            2. A bag BOOM came ... the invention.

            3. When the invention was ready he started ... for the fair.

            4. The horse threw the old man ... off its back.

                 Then it ran ...   with the  cart.

            5. Belle went ... the castle where her father was locked ... .

            6. The Beast made Belle promise to stay ...  him forever.

            7. Belle was amazed to find ...that his teapot, clock and cup could talk.

            8. All of them had been put ...  a spell.



                      4. Find in the text synonyms to the following.

                                      Write the words.


1.      finally 


2.       to be happy 


3.      market 


4.      to give a word  


5.      to save  


6.      to make/build  


7.      bad-looking  


8.       to leave for  


4.      to get to know


9.       to be industrious



10.                          to come to see 


11.                          to think of sth 

5.                          Look at these words.

           Draw lines from the either Belle or Papa to the words  that go with each person best.







                                        Belle                         pretty


                                       Papa                        fair

     give a hug



       missed                                                 danced



6.        Write the questions to the given answers.



1.          ____________________________________

To read and to dream.


2.          ____________________________________

To the fair.


3.          ____________________________________

In the castle.


4.          ____________________________________

To her room.


5.          ____________________________________

They used to be servants.


6.          ____________________________________

He was really gentle and sweet.


7.          ___________________________________

Gaston and the Beast.



8.          ___________________________________

The spell was broken.


9.          ___________________________________


The Beast turned into a prince.



                                        III. Speaking Test.


         7.    Retell the story. Use the word – combinations given below.


  1. to marry sb                                        16. to find out                                           

  2. to dream of sth                                  17. to run back to                                          

  3. to take sth to the fair                         18. to set out to do sth                                

  4. to come from                                    19. to rescue, to save                                     

  5. to work hard to do sth                       20. over time                                

  6. to start off for                                    21. back at home                                            

  7. to throw sb off sth                             22. to take care of                                    

  8. to run away with sth                          23. to get angry                              

  9. to climb up on sth                              24. to belong to                                 

10.to ride on                                            25. to ride through sth                                    

11.to be locked up                                   26. to get hurt                                   

12. to give sb. a big hug                          27. to be out                            

13. to let sb go                                   28. to shoot with an arrow

14. to stay with sb forever                       29. to roar in pain

15. to be amazed to do sth                      30. to be under a spell



              8.    a).  Explain   how you understand the title of the story.


                     b). Discuss : What did you feel when you

                                                                             were reading this text?

                                  What amazed you  most of all?



                    III. Writing Test.


                           Write a passage interpreting the proverb:


           The true nature of heart is seen in its response to the unattractive”.

 Snow White and the Seven  Dwarfs       


There once was a princess      named Snow White.  She lived in a palace with her mean  stepmother, the Queen. The  Queen was proud to be the most  beautiful woman in the kingdom. Every day she stood in front of a Magic Mirror. "Magic Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?" she asked. The   Mirror always gave the same answer, "You are."

Then one day it gave a different answer. It said Snow White was the most beautiful. The Queen was very angry. She called her Huntsman. She held out a box to him.

"You must take Snow White into the forest and do away with her. Put her heart in this box and bring it back to me," she said.

The Huntsman told Snow White that the Queen wanted her to pick some wildflowers for the table. The princess sang as she went into the woods with him. She ran here and there to pick flowers. Even if it meant giving up his own life, the Huntsman realized that he could not hurt her.


Kneeling down before her he said, "Princess, the Queen is jealous of your beauty.

She wanted me to kill you.

You must run away. You must never come back."



Подпись:  Alone in the woods, Snow White was frightened.

She started to cry.

Birds and animals came out to see her.

 She felt better when she saw them.

"Is there a place where I could sleep?" she asked. They led her to a little house in a clearing. There was no one home, but the sink was full of dirty dishes. There were seven little chairs and seven little beds. Snow White thought seven children lived in the house. "Poor little things, they must not have a mother," she said. Snow White liked to help. She swept and dusted, washed and scrubbed until everything was clean. Then she went upstairs and fell asleep. When she woke up, a lot of little men were staring at her.

She told them dinner was almost ready. They would have to wash their hands before they ate. Every one of the Seven Dwarfs did. The soup smell led good, and they were very hungry. After they ate, they sang and danced. Then Snow White told a story. It was about the prince of her dreams.

In her room at the palace, the Queen asked, "Magic Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?"

The Mirror said Snow White was still alive. That made the Queen very angry. She mixed up a pot of poison. She dipped a pretty red apple into it. She put the poisoned apple in a basket. Then the wicked Queen dressed up as an old peddler woman and set off  the woods to find Snow White.Подпись:  After the Seven Dwarfs went to work, the wicked Queen went to their house. Snow White was busy making pies. The wicked Queen pretended to be selling apples. She asked Snow White to taste one.

Snow White took just one bite of the apple and fell to the floor.

Snow White's animal friends had seen the old woman coming. They did not trust her. They went to get the Seven Dwarfs. The Dwarfs ran fast as they could. They got to the house just as the wicked Queen was leaving. They saw her running away.

The Dwarfs chased the Queen through the woods, and out onto a high, narrow ledge.

Lightning hit the cliff. It broke the rock where the Queen was standing. Down she fell.

When the Dwarfs came back home, they found Snow White. She was still beautiful. She seemed to be asleep. They made a bed of gold for her. They put it in the woods.

Soon the Prince of a nearby kingdom heard about the girl in the forest. He came to see her for himself. When he did, he fell in love. She was the most beautiful girl he had seen in

his life. He bent down and kissed Snow White, and the wicked Queen's spell was broken.

Snow White was very happy. She had dreamed this  handsome prince would ride into her life. She knew the two of them would be together always. She thanked the Seven Dwarfs for their help. She kissed every one of them and waved good-bye.









I.       Reading Comprehension Test.


               1.    Mark true (T) and false (F) sentences.



1.     Snow White lived in a castle with her mean stepmother.

2.     The mirror always gave the Queen the same answer.

3.     The Queen held out a stick to his Huntsman.

4.     The princess agreed to go to the forest to pick some wildflowers for the table.

5.     The Huntsman realized that he couldn’t hurt her and told the princess everything.

6.     The birds and animals led the princess to a little house.

7.     While staying in that house she did nothing.

8.     The Seven Dwarfs liked their dinner.

9.     The Queen disliked the fact that Snow White was still alive.

10.            She dipped a pretty big yellow apple into a basket.

11.           When the Queen entered the house Snow White was busy making pies.

12.           The Prince from a nearby kingdom kissed Snow White and the wicked Queen’s spell was broken.



                     2.   Answer the questions below:



1.     Who lived in the palace with Snow White?

2.    The Queen was proud to be beautiful. What did she stand  in front of every day?

3.    Where did the Queen want the Huntsman to take Snow White?

4.    The Huntsman did not kill Snow White. What did he tell her to do?

5.    After she was alone in the woods, who came out to see Snow White?

6.    When Snow White first saw the little house, who did she think lived there?

7.    After Snow White and the Dwarfs ate, what did they do?

8.    Who went to their house after the Seven Dwarfs went to work?

9.    What did the wicked Queen pretend to be selling?

10.                      The Dwarfs made a bed for Snow White. What was it made from?





                     3.         Who said What?

              Look at the things that were said in the text.

      Draw a line from their name to the line that fits them best.



1.     Queen                                                  

                                                       a) “Poor little things . . .”

                                                       b) “You are”

2.     Magic Mirror

                                                            c) “Who is the fairest one of all”

                                                       d) “ . . . the Queen is jealous of your       beauty”

3.     Huntsman

                                                        e) “You must run away”

                                                        f) “Put her heart in this box”


4.     Snow White

                                                       g) “You must do away with Snow   White”          

                                                        h) “Is there a place where I could sleep?”




  II.  Vocabulary and Grammar Test.


                        4.        Insert the missing prepositions.






1.                     She lived ... a palace with her mean stepmother.

2.                     The Queen held ... a box to the Huntsman.

3.                     The Huntsman had to do ... with Snow White.

4.                     The princess sang as she went ... the woods.

5.                     Kneeling ... before her he told her the Queen’s plan.

6.                     The Birds and animals led her ... a little house.

7.                     When she woke ... , a lot of little man were staring ... her.

8.                     The Dwarfs had to wash their hands ... they ate.

9.                     The Queen mixed … a pot ... poison.

10.                The Dwarfs chased the Queen ... the woods.



                                     5. Translate into English.


     1. Принц її мрій                                                            

     2. Давати одну й ту саму відповідь                           

    3. Будучи самотньою в лісі                                         

    4. Притворилася, що продає                                      

    5. Отруєне яблуко                                                       

    6. Переслідувати через ліс                                    

    7. Покінчити з, вбити                                                      

    8. Віддати своє життя                                               



      6.   Find in the text synonyms to the given words:


      1.   pretty                                                                                

      2.   in front of                                                                         

      3.   a reply                                                                              

      4.   to be furious                                                                     

      5.   to kill                                                                               

      6.   to gather                                                                           

      7.   forest                                                                                

      8.   to die                                                                                

      9.   to return                                                                            

      10. cruel                                                                                  



7.           Pick out from the text the words and expressions similar  in meaning to the following:


1.         to bake a pie //                                                     

2.         to see the old woman coming //                           

3.         the Dwarfs followed the Queen //                       

4.         Lightning hit the rock //                                       

5.         When the Dwarfs returned home //                     

6.         to be scared //                                                      

7.         to stay for a night  //                                            

8.         to tidy the room //                                                

9.         a lot of little man were looking at her //             

10.    to wash their hands before their meal  //     






                     8.     What is the word?

       Work with the dictionary and give English explanation.


  1.     poison                                      _______________________


  2.    to scrub                                    _______________________


  3.    dwarf                                       _______________________


  4.    peddler                                ________________________


  5.   to wave                                _______________________


  6.   to chase                                    _______________________


  7.   a palace                                    _______________________


  8.   a spell                                      _______________________


  9.   to pretend                                _______________________


10.   lightning                                  ________________________


11.   to mix                                      ________________________


12.   a kingdom                                ________________________



             III.   Speaking Test.


                   9.  Use the word – combinations in the story retelling:



1. to be proud to be                    16. to make sb very angry


2. in front of sth                         17. to mix up


3. to give a different answer     18. to set off  for sth


4. to be very angry                   19. to pretend to be doing / V + ing sth


5. to hold out sth                      20. to take just one bite of smth


6. to do away with sb               21. to run away


7. to bring sth back to sb          22. to chase sb through the woods


8. to run here and there            23. to do sth for oneself


9. to give up                             24. to fall in love


10.to kneel down before sb      25. to bend down


11.to be jealous of                    26. to break the spell


12.to be frightened                   27. to ride into one’s life


13.to come out to do sth           28. to thank for smth 


14.to be full of sth                    29. to wave good - bye


15. to go upstairs







        10.          Discuss the following:


1.   Why was the Queen so angry with Snow White?

2.   Everybody has dreams. What are your dreams?




           IV.       Writing Test.



    Write a short paragraph explaining the proverb:


                                                         Appearences  deceitful”.






                             The Little Mermaid



Once there was a Little Mermaid named Ariel. She was tired of living under the sea. Sometimes she swam up to the top of the water, even though her father did not like her to. Ariel wondered about the world above the sea.

"I love new things. I want to see more of them," Ariel said.

The land looked like a good place to be. Human beings lived there. One day Ariel saw a new ship. She swam up to it as fast as she could. A young human was on the ship. Ariel thought he was handsome. Some of his friends were having a birthday party for him. The man was Prince Eric. "We want to celebrate with you," his friends said. Then, they started to sing and dance.

One man asked the prince when he would marry.

"Oh, the right girl is out there somewhere, just haven't found her, yet" the prince said.

Just then, a storm came up. Big waves tossed the ship from side to side. Prince Eric fell into the water.

Ariel pulled him to the shore.

While he was asleep on the beach, she sang to him.

She left before he could see her.

When her father, King Triton, found out what Ariel had done, he was very angry.

 He told her to stay away from human beings, but Ariel loved Prince Eric.

The evil sea witch, Ursula, was the only one who could help. Ariel went to see her.

"I know what you want," Ursula said.

"I will make you human if you give me your voice." Ariel thought about it.

"Oh, and one more thing," said Ursula.

"If Prince Eric does not kiss you in three days, you are mine!"

 "So, will you give me your voice?" Ursula asked.

"Yes, I will," Ariel said.

As soon as she spoke, Ariel had human legs.

She could not swim.

Her friends helped her to shore.         

    When Prince Eric found Ariel, he did not know who

she was.

  "Can you speak?"  he asked.

 She shook her head.

The next day, Prince Eric showed her around the kingdom. They went for a boat ride.

Eric leaned over to kiss Ariel.

The evil Ursula sent her pet eels out to the boat.

The two eels swam around the boat.

They swam under it.

The eels were big and the boat was small.

On the third day, Ursula changed herself into a pretty girl. The girl had Ariel's voice in a shell.

She wore the shell on a ribbon around her neck.

When Prince Eric heard that voice, he forgot all about the real Ariel.

He could not help himself.

He asked the girl to marry him.

Ariel's sea friends found out what Ursula had done.

They all went up to the ship.


                Подпись:  There was a fight.

The shell broke.

Ariel could speak again.

She told Prince Eric who she was. He did not have time to kiss her before the sun went down.

                Ariel turned back into a mermaid.

The evil Ursula took Ariel down into the sea.

     An old ship appeared in the battle that followed. Prince Eric jumped off the ship and fought Ursula. He saved Ariel. But Prince Eric could not stay in the sea with her.

                He had to breathe air to live.

Ariel was safe under the sea, but she was not happy.

She and Prince Eric could never be together.

     Her father, King Triton, loved Ariel very much. He did not want her to be sad.

He made Ariel human again.

Prince Eric was very glad to see her.

They were married right away.














 I.   Reading Comprehension Test.




1.         Confirm or deny the statements.



1.    Ariel was tired of living under the sea.

2.    Ariel’s father allowed her to swim up to the top of the water.

3.    Some of prince’s friends were drawing for him.

4.    Suddenly a storm came up.

5.    Ariel’s father told her to stay away from human beings.

6.    Ariel agreed to give her voice to the evil sea witch Ursula.

7.    When prince Eric found Ariel he recognized her at once.

8.    On the third day Ursula changed herself into a pretty girl.

9.    When prince Eric heard the voice he forgot all about the real Ariel.

   10. The shell would not break.

   11. Prince Eric saved Ariel but he could not stay in the sea as he had to breathe

         air to live.

        12.    Ariel was happy as she was safe under the sea.



               2.   Answer the questions below.




1.                     What was Ariel tired of?

2.                     What was the name of the man who Ariel saw on the ship?

3.                     What did Ariel do while the Prince was asleep on the beach?

4.                     Ursula could not give Ariel what she wanted. What did Ursula want  

                     from Ariel in return?

5.                     When prince Eric found Ariel, what did he ask her?

6.                     What did Ursula change herself into on the third day?

7.                     Where did Ursula keep Ariel’s voice?

8.                     After the shell broke, what was Ariel able to do?

9.                     When the battle started, what appeared from the sea?

10.                 King Triton did not want Ariel to be sad. What did he do for her?







         II. Vocabulary and Grammar Test.


                    1.    Match the words and their definitions.



  1) to wonder                              a) to use force to move

  2) human being                          b) to take sb as your husband or wife

  3) to pull to                                c)  a country ruled by a king

  4) a shore                                   d) to learn

  5) kingdom                                e) to feel great surprise         

  6) to find out                              f) to come into sight

  7) a shell                                    g) to keep safe from death, harm, loss

            8) to marry                                 h) a living person

  9) a mermaid                              i) a hard covering that protects                                                                     eggs, nuts and some animals

10) to appear                                j) a woman who has the tail of a

                                                         fish instead of legs and who

                                                         lives in the sea

11) to be sad                                k)  unhappy

12) to save                                   l) the land at the edge of the sea



                            2.    Translate into English.



       1. Виплисти на поверхню води                          

       2. Живі істоти                                                      

       3. Корабель метався зі сторони в сторону         

       4. Зла морська відьма                                           

       5. Нахилитися, щоб поцілувати                        

       6. Перед заходом сонця                                      


                  3.          Insert the missing prepositions.



About, for, to, in, around, of on, out, before, in under, above, up, down


1.                     Ariel was tired ... living ... the sea.

2.                     She wondered ... the world ... the sea.

3.                     Some of prince’s  friends were having a birthday party ... him.

4.                     Just then, a storm came ... .

5.                     While the prince was asleep ... the beach, Ariel sang ... him.

6.                “If Prince Erick does not kiss you ... three daes, you are mine!”   – said Ursula.

7.                The two eels swam ... the boat.

8.                The girl heard Ariel’s voice ... a shell.

9.                Ariel’s sea friends found ... what Ursula had done.

10.           Prince Erick did not have time to kill Ariel ... the sun went ... .  



                      4.                  Find in the text phrases or words

                                                   which mean the same as:


         1.             to be exhausted                                     

         2.              to want to know                                   

         3.              people                                                  

         4.              beautiful                                             

         5.             to mark with                                         

         6.             to begin to sing                                    

         7.             to go away                                            

         8.             to learn                                                  

         9.             a bank, a coast                                   

        10.            was not able to do                           

        11.            to beg                                                 

        12.            before the sunset                              



          III. Speaking Test.


     5.                     Arrange the events in the logical order,

                                   then tell what happened to Prince Erick and Ariel.


a)              Prince Erick was on the ship.

b)             The eels were big and the boat was small.

c)               Prince Erick found Ariel but he didn’t know who she was.

d)             Ariel was tired of living under the sea.

e)               Prince Erick did not have time to kill her before the sun went down.

f)               Just then a storm came up.

g)              Ursula wore the shell with Ariel’s voice on a ribbon around her neck.

h)             Ursula was the only one who could help.

i)                There was a fight and the shell broke.

j)                She wondered about the world above the sea.

k)             Ursula changed herself into a pretty girl.

l)                The evil sea witch asked Ariel to save her  voice and Ariel agreed.

m)           Prince Erick fell into the water and Ariel pulled him to the shore.

n)             Prince Erick showed Ariel around kingdom.

o)              Human beings lived there.

p)             Ariel’s father was very angry and told her to stay away from human beings.

q)             One man asked the prince when he would marry.

r)               Ariel and Prince Erick could never be together




         6. Use the following phrases while retelling the story.


1.          to be tired of V+ing                            12. to shake one’s head

2.          to swim up                                          13. to show sb around the kingdom

3.          to wondered about                              14. to go for a boat ride

4.          to look like                                          15. to lean over to do sth

5.          as fast as she could                             16. to marry sb

6.          the right girl                                        17. to turn back into sb

7.          from side to side                                 18. to take sb down into the sea

8.          to pull sb to sth                                   19. to jump off sth

9.          to find out                                           20. to be safe

10.     to stay away from sb                           21. to be sad

11.     to be the only one                                22. right away




                            7.    Discuss the following:


1.          What did King Triton do to prove that he loved Ariel?

2.          Can we call present-day boys // fellows as “knights on a white horse”?      Why?


                                      IV. Writing Test.


  Write a short paragraph stating your own opinion on the following:


                       Do you believe in the evil witches?”.


      A Sleeping Beauty


·       a kingdom                    королівство

·       to bless                       благословити

·       a sorceress                  чаклунка

·       It’s a shame!                Який сором!

·       never mind                   нічого страшного

·       grace                           грація, милість

·       a spinning wheel          прядильне колесо

·       a curse                        прокляття

·       instead                        замість цього

·       a castle                       замок

·       to cast a spell              розбити прокляття

·       to remember               памятати

·       a prisoner                    полонений

·       to charge  toward        атакувати

·       the edge of                  край

·       an enchanted sword     зачарований меч

·       to roar in pain              ревіти від болю

·       royal                            королівський

·       a wedding                    весілля

·       stepmother                 мачуха

·        to pretend                  притворятися

·       Mean                           підлий

·       to sew                         шити

·       a knock on the door     стук у двері





·       a messenger                 посланець

·       a maiden                       прислуга

·       a ball gown                    бальна сукня

·       a sash                           шарф

·              to wave                               змахнути           

·              a pumpkin                           гарбуз

·              a coach                               кучер

·              sparkling                            сяючий

·              glass slippers                     склянні туфельки

·              the clock chime                 бій годинника

·              to bow                                кланятися

·              (at) midnight                      опівночі

·              memory                              память

·              a clue                                  ключ до розгадки

·              to be excited                     бути схвильованим

·              to try on                            приміряти

·              wicked                               злий

·         soon after                         згодом







       Beauty and the Beast.


·                  an inventor                    винахідник

·                  invention                       винахід

·                  fair                               ярмарка

·                  to fix                            монтувати

·                  to be ready                   бути готовим

·                  to get lost                     заблукати

·                  cart                               віз, карета

·                  to climb up                    лізти вверх

·                  thick fog                       густий туман

·                  to growl                        ричати

·                  a castle                         замок

·                  to give sb a big hug       міцно обійняти

·                                     ugly                                       бридкий, негарний

·                                     a cape                                   накидка

·                                     to let sb go                          відпустити

·                                     to be  amazed                     бути зачарованим

·                                     to find out                           довідатися

·                                     a servant                             слуга

·                                     put under a spell                 зачарувати

·                                     to rescue                             рятувати

·                                     to miss  sb                           скучати

·                                     back at home                      повернувшись додому

·                                     to take care of                   піклуватися

·                                     to belong to                         належати

·                                     to convince                          переконувати

·                                     dangerous                            небезпечний

·                                     to shoot with                       стріляти

·                                     an arrow                               стріла

·                                     to stab in the back              всадити ніж в спину

·                                     to slip                                   спіткнутися

·                                     the enchanted things          зачаровані речі

 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs


·             to be proud to be                   гордитися

·             to hold out                              передати, дати

·             to do away with                      позбутися

·             to kneel down                         стати на коліна

·      to be jealous of                 ревнувати

·             to be frightened                   бути наляканим

·             a sink                                   умивальник, раковина

·             to sweep                                підмітати

·             to dust                                   витирати порох

·             to scrub                                 чистити

·             to stare at                             вирячитися

·             alive                                       живий

·             to mix up                               змішувати

·             poison                                    отрута

·             to dip into                             занурювати

·             to be dressed up                 бути  одягнутим  як

·             a peddler                              торговка

·             to set off                             вирушати

·             to pretend                            притворятися

·             to take just one bite of       вкусити тільки раз

·             to trust                                 довіряти

·             to chase                                переслідувати

·             a narrow ledge                      вузький риф

·             lightning                                блискавка

·             to thank for                         дякувати за

·      to wave good-bye               махати па-па  на    прощання

     The Little Mermaid


·       to be tired of                  бути  замученим

·       to wonder about              цікавитися

·       a human being                  людина

·       to come up  (storm)         починатися

·       to toss                             кидати

·       to pull sb to                     тягнути до

·              a  witch                                   відьма

·              to lean over                нахилитися, перехилитися

·              an eel                                      вугр

·              a shell                                     ракушка

·              a ribbon                                  стрічка

·              evil                                          злий

·              to breathe air                        дихати повітрям

·              to be sad                                бути засмученим












               Sleeping Beauty


          I.  Reading Comprehension Test.


     TASK 1.

             1. False (the queen).                    6. True

             2. False (his).                               7. False  (advised her to fall).

             3. True                                         8. False  (just in time).

             4. False (Maleficent).                   9. True

             5. True                                        10. False  (Maleficent).


        II. Vocabulary and Grammar Test.



             1. to be angry                                            7. to appear

             2. to set free                                              8. castle

             3. fairy                                                      9. to come back

             4. to fall asleep                                        10. to be safe

             5. to remember                                        11. to look for

             6. gift                                                       12. to pick a berry


     TASK 5.

            1. good

            2. to die

            3. happy

            4. son

            5. night

            6. appear












I.  Reading Comprehension Test.



    1. False                      4. True                    7.  False               10. False

        2. True                       5. True                    8.  True                11. True

        3. False                      6. True                     9. True                12. True



II. Vocabulary Test.



        1 – b           4 – d

        2 – e            5 – c

        3 – f             6 – a



                                                                                                                                                       1. call

        2. to sweep

        3. to end

        4. to love

        5. sparkling slippers

        6. pretty

        7. to run after sb

        8. a gown 


III. Speaking Test.





1. f

2. j

3. b

4. d

5. a

6. h

7. e

8. i

9. c

10. g



       Beauty  and  the Beast.


        I.  Reading Comprehension Test.


                      TASK 1

             1. False                          4. True                     7. False               10. False

        2. False                           5. False                    8. True               11. True

             3. True                            6. True                     9. True               12. True



                      TASK 2
















        II.Vocabulary and Grammar Test.


  TASK 1

       1. of                              6. into

       2. from                          7. up

       3. off                             8. with

       4. off                              9. out

       5. away                         10.under



  TASK 2

   1.  at last

        2.  ugly

   3.  to start off  for

   4.  to find out

   5.  to work hard

   6.  to visit

   7.  to dream of

   8.  to be glad

    9.  fair

   10. to  promise

   11. to rescue

   12. to fix




 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs


 I.  Reading Comprehension Test.




 1. False                     4. True                    7.  False             10. False

 2. False                     5. T rue                   8. True               11.True

                3. False                     6. True                    9. T rue              12.True


  TASK 3


                  1.    c, f, g          2.   b              3.   d, e               4.   a, h


 II.   Vocabulary and Grammar Test.




         1. in                               6. to

         2. out                             7. up, at

         3. away                          8. before

         4. into                            9. up, of

         5. down                         10.through





         1. prince of her dreams

         2. give the same answer

         3. alone in the woods

         4. pretended to be selling

         5. poisoned apple

         6. chased through the woods

         7. to do away with

         8. to give up one’s own life





                  TASK 3


                   1. wonderful

         2. before

         3. an answer

         4. be angry

         5. to do away with

         6. to pick

         7. woods

         8. to give up one’s life

         9. to come back



  TASK 4


       1.    to make a pie

  2.   approaching

  3.   chased

  4.   cliff

  5.   came back

  6.   to be frightened

  7.   to sleep

  8.   to sweep, dust and scrub

  9.   staring

 10. before they ate





















             The Little Mermaid


        I.  Reading Comprehension Test.

                        TASK  1
















        II. Vocabulary and Grammar Test.


                   TASK  1



1. e

2. h

3. a

4. l

5. c


7. i

8. b

9. j

10. f

11. k

12. g














                                                 TASK  2


           1. to swim up to the top of the water

           2. human beings

           3. the ship tossed from side to side

           4. the evil sea witch

           5. to lean over to kiss sb

           6. before the sun goes down




                                      TASK 3


                  1. of, under                                   6. in

                  2. about, above                             7. around

                  3. for                                             8. in

                  4. up                                              9. out

                  5. on, to                                        10.before, down




  TASK 4


        1. to be tired

        2. to wonder

        3. human beings

       4. handsome, pretty

       5. to celebrate with

       6. to start

       7. to leav

       8. to find out

       9. a shore

      10. could not to

      11. to ask

      12. before the sun went down



                 III. Speaking Test.


         TASK 1



1. d

2. g

3. o

4. a

5. q

6. f

7. m

8. p

9. h

10. l

11. c

12. n

13. b

14. k

15. g

16. i

17. e

18. r

























1.       Introduction                                       



2.      Sleeping Beauty                               -----------------       1


                                      Tests                                                              5


3.      Cinderella                                          ---------------        8


                                      Tests                                                             13


4.      Beauty and the Beast                               ---------       18


                                      Tests                                                             23       


5.      Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs       ----------      27


                                       Tests                                                             32


6.     The Little Mermaid                               ------------      37


                                        Tests                                                            42


7.     Vocabulary                                           --------------     46



       8.         KEYS                                            ----------------            51


      9.         Contents                                ------------       58